
There is much to learn, and in following the path I return again and again to words (and their musics). I carry them with me and sound out their beings. There is life in it. And to preserve is movement toward harmony. It is a pull toward the moment, it is presence. In harmony comes balance, homeostasis. A turning inward. It brings awareness, consciousness. How for so much of my adult life it felt as though this was the movement needed for peace and contentment. Though, I also hear harm in it. How dangerous it can be to hold onto only one idea, cling to it like a liferaft. Echo[violence], the music sometimes deceives. It is not just consciousness, but conscience too.


Song   Language   Music   Naming   Subjectivity   Translation   Emerson   History   Erasure[violence]   427   Child of the Bear  Indian   Words   Intention   Rivers   Preservation   Body[music]   Thresholds   Dialogues   Water   Return