Stories for My Father is a single poetry chapbook written by David Crews. Manuscript typeset in Garamond on Southworth blue linen Cotton paper; cover paper made by Todd Moe of recycled Cotton, Garlic mustard stems and Milkweed fluff, processed in rainwater, pigment dyed in Forsythia; book cover designed and produced by Bridget McFadden.

Grateful acknowledgment to the editors of the following books and journals where versions of some poems previously appeared: 5AM, Atticus Review, Cider Press Review, Circadian Rhythm, Edison Literary Review, Exit 13, North Country Public Radio, Stoneboat Literary Journal, The Curlew, Wander-Thrush. (And to Dimitri Reyes and Basia Wilson for reading and giving care to these poems.)

“Open Letter to My Students” includes adapted lines/allusions to “These Poems,” “A Clear Midnight,” and “Gratitude,” written by June Jordan, Walt Whitman, and Cornelius Eady, respectively; the second “This Song” includes adapted lines from “Port of Entry” by Judith Vollmer. Finally, great thanks to Adam Wigger who helped edit and produce this audio recording.

David Crews
Shaftsbury, VT


Previously published poems:

Alexander Wilson
North Country Public Radio / 2024

The Coyote
North Country Public Radio / 2023

ARTS By The People / 2021

Open Letter to My Students
Porcupine Lit / 2020

This Song
Cider Press Review / 2018

Hike to Bird, Rattlesnake Mountain
Atticus Review / 2017

My father, Dr. John Robert Crews