

Think of it as earth chakra, she says

south node moon in Aries
just underfoot, in the dirt

it may be difficult to trust the guides
but put love where fear is

it is a self love too

to know the step you take
            is the step you want

extend into space

open the chest to the woman inside you
the man,  they inside you

a birth of something new

in the body

put hands in the dirt
call it a nurturing that comes in what rises

Virgo, in one of twelve degrees

it was always Persephone
                        the loss of time 

earth mother, of what is wild
            father of harvest in retrograde

think that which springs forth
in growth all green

and this too with violence

do not forget you will always be
a depositor of the feminine

put hands in the dirt

feel the ancient water
                        come    go



At first light the raven leaves dark spruce forest

one guttural squawk and flies to the coast

is it really the echo of those I loved

I think piece of silk, touch of warped cloth

dense clouds and the faint rhythm of distant waves

can I love the broken beauty of this world without contract

can I live without harm

is wandering really a brave escape

cold air stings exposed skin, this ancient morning

that comes in flight of stars across a milk dark night

would they always return

can breath blossom into the secret of eternity

rains come, fall earthward with volition

continual release to nothingness

how the earth gives life and says here, drink with me

fresh wet air fills my lungs like a river

are there joys to be delivered

will the heart always ache like a song 

This poem was created in collaboration with composer, Jonathan David, and choreographed by Aradia Sessoms, Shaena Smith, Oksana Horban, and Sabrina Petrelli as part of Intonation with ARTS By The People (2021)